Matt & Gabe Meier. Yep, we're brothers. We've been in the O&P industry for 20 years each. We started PRIDE Custom Fabrication 10 years ago after a decade with the global leader in the O&P field and the experience has been extraordinary. We bring every lesson learned, every technique & every moral standing to everything we do while fabricating prosthetic devices for our partners.
We don't fabricate orthotic devices because at the inception of our business we chose to specialize and hone our skills/services to be the best in the world. We chose to specialize because trying to be all things to all people will lead, in time, to quality break-downs, rising costs and extended turn around times. We chose to specialize so we can put as much of the control of delivering prosthetic devices back into the hands of the prosthetist. We chose to specialize so we can keep our price point well into the bottom 30% of all fabrication facilities in the US. We chose to specialize to give our partners the highest possible level of service.
We're 10 years & well over 6,500 prosthetic devices into PRIDE and we've compiled an extensive list of customer/partners that will attest to our claim of being the best. It's not arrogance, it's fact and we back it up every day. Every socket. Every time.
We have wives, kids, houses, dogs, the whole thing. We wouldn't give it up for anything and every prosthesis we fabricate, every time we answer the phone, every time we talk about how to lay up a lamination to specifically meet the needs of the person wearing it, helps us keep what we have. We don't take shortcuts, we don't skim for profit's sake & we truly appreciate our customers. We work hard to deliver every time. We learned it from our dad, who, when we really get cranking, helps us out...and he can outwork anybody.